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Acp Interlude Download [Latest 2022]


-- That seems like a good idea. I don't think he is talking about the whole CP/MP/HP seperate. He said to add it to the patch and add the functions to right click. Or are you saying you don't want to use auto CP/MP/HP. If you mean, that I added it to the 1.08 patch, and people that want to do that just have to right click and go with it, I agree, but if that's a good thing then so be it. I just don't see the advantage, if the patch is already on the disk, so to say it's already patched, then what's the point of adding it. Let me see, what other big things are there in the patch. I'm not about to have to download that huge patch again. I really don't see what the need for CP/MP/HP seperate is in the patch, it's all there in the patch. I'd love it if you could post screenshots of the plug-ins that you are talking about. That would be the same for auto CP/MP/HP. You are asking for a screen shot of plugins that do the same thing in other languages. What do you think the difference is? What I'm saying, is to have an option on the patch to choose to CP/MP/HP seperate from auto CP/MP/HP, so people can choose which they like better. I don't want to download the patch if I can have the automatic for that with all the other changes in 1.08 patch. There will be other changes in the patch, like auto changing HP/MP/CP to what the enemy does. Let me see

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